IMPEL Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking meeting and Joint Inspection on Terraristika, Hamm

8 Ιαν, 2024

On 08 and 09 December took place, in Hamm, Germany, a meeting and a joint inspection of the IMPEL project “Good practices in the implementation of the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking”, hosted by the Environmental Agency of the City of Hamm and the German CITES Management Authority - German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. 

25 representatives from 10 countries (including German representatives), attended the joint inspection. Terraristika is the world's largest trade fair for terrarium animals, with more than 400 exhibitors. The trade fair has been held in Hamm for 28 years, 4 times a year, and it was the 83rd fair. 

The aim of ‘Good practices in the implementation of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking’ IMPEL project is to analyse the different good practices to implement the EU tools to tackle wildlife trafficking, and to build an orientation guide that can be shared and used by all Member States.

More joint inspections and a final workshop to share the results will be organised in 2024 by the project team.

For more information about the project click here 

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