Projects (3)

Management of Mining Waste
2019 | Ongoing
Mining activity has always been a source of raw materials for man but at the same time has generated many environmental problems. Huge quantities of extractive waste, often abandoned, are sources of pollution and areas of geotechnical and hydrogeological instability. Nowadays, after numerous accidents involving mining activities, the European Commission adopted the Directive 2006/21/EC on the management of waste from extractive industries (known as Mining Directive) that amended Directive 2004/35/EC.
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Waste management and Circular Economy (previous Landfill Inspections Project series)
2011 | Ongoing
The Waste Management and Circular Economy project aims to build on the results and products from previous landfill projects. Moving through the waste hierarchy steps, in order to promote Eco-innovation and circular economy all while creating a level playing field and assuring a common understanding of the key points of the Waste Framework Directive in the permitting and exception process.
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Waste sites
2011 - 2014 | Completed
In view of problematic waste streams worldwide, notably of electronic waste, end-of-life vehicles and their components from Europe to Africa, experts agreed on the necessity to target more effectively the sources of illegal waste streams and the “upstream” facilities where such waste is collected, stored and/or treated prior to export.
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