Projectos (6)

Conferência Água e Terra 2023
2023 | Concluído
A Conferência IMPEL Água & Terra 2023 teve lugar nos dias 17 e 18 de outubro, no Palácio do Parlamento em Bucareste e também online.
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Conferência Água e Solo 2022
2022 | Concluído
A Comissão Europeia solicitou à IMPEL que alargasse e aplicasse a sua capacidade de regulamentação à equipa de peritos em água e solo. A gestão eficaz dos recursos hídricos e terrestres (tanto em termos de qualidade como de quantidade) depende de um bom planeamento e de uma boa execução com base em dados, informações e pareceres profissionais. É essencial que o crescimento económico em cada Estado-Membro apoie a proteção e a utilização sustentáveis e planeadas dos recursos hídricos e terrestres. Além disso, a iniciativa ECA, promovida pela Comissão Europeia, coloca novos desafios, em particular no ponto n.º 5 (Preparar documento(s) de orientação sobre boas práticas de garantia da conformidade ambiental em zonas rurais (em relação à terra e à água)), que devem ser investigados e discutidos, a fim de encontrar propostas para cumprir a ambiciosa perspetiva de evolução da IMPEL.
As actividades realizadas e as experiências acumuladas no domínio da água e do solo devem ser partilhadas entre os membros da IMPEL e a Conferência anual sobre Água e Solo é um instrumento para um amplo contacto e discussão.
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IMPEL Water and Land Conference 2019
The 2019 IMPEL Water and Land Conference took place on 8 and 9 October in Rome, Italy, at the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale). This two-day conference brought together speakers from different Member States to talk about droughts and floods adaptation in a changing climate.
Liam Cashman from Commission’s DG ENV delivered a presentation on the Environmental Compliance Assurance (ECA) and emphasised the contribution of IMPEL’s work on specific topics (e.g. Doing the Right Things and Guidelines for Inspections) adding that with the new Commission’s focus on zero pollution there is still much work to be done, especially on Water and Land issues (e.g. Nitrate Directive).
The 1st session of the Conference featured several presentations and perspectives on droughts and the focus was on trends in the drought landscape, irrigation problems, groundwater slow crisis, strategic dam planning and designing dams to pass sediments as a way to fight droughts. Most speakers agreed that there is a need to build resilience in the view of next decades.
The 2nd session was focused on floods and the speakers delivered presentations that highlighted the implementation challenges of the main legislative drivers on this topic: Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Floods Management Directive (FMD). Jill Michielssen from Commission’s DG ENV pointed out that even though compliance is increasing there are still implementation gaps in all Member States regarding the implementation of the WFD that need to be urgently filled.
There were different discussion panels throughout the conference, namely one about Climate Change Effects and about the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Industrial Emissions Directive and the challenges found when the two directives are crossed over.
The Project Managers from the Water & Land Expert Team delivered presentations about the developments and main findings of the projects they are managing this year and Marco Falconi, the Expert Team Leader, closed the Conference by giving a presentation about IMPEL and the challenges that lie ahead.
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IMPEL Water and Land Conference 2018
The Conference was held in Zwolle (NL) on September 27th.
In the opening addresses, Miroslav Angelov (EU Commission, DG Environment) gave an overview about the Commission Action Plan on Environmental Compliance and Governance, while Giuseppe Sgorbati (Water & Land Expert Team leader) gave an overview about IMPEL ambitions matching with the Conference topics.
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Water & Land Conferences
2017 | Em curso
IMPEL has been asked by the European Commission to expand and apply its regulatory capability into the Water & Land Expert Team. Effective water and land resource management (both quality and quantity) relies on good forward planning and delivery based on data, information and professional judgement. It is essential that economic growth in each Member State supports planned sustainable water & Land resource protection and utilization. Futhermore, ECA Initiative, promoted by the European Commission pose new challenges, in particular on point n.5 (Prepare guidance document(s) on good practices in environmental compliance assurance in rural areas (in relation to land and water)) that need to be investigated, discussed, to find out proposals to fulfill the ambitious IMPEL’s further evolution perspective.
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IMPEL Water and Land Conference 2017
The 2017 IMPEL Water & Land Conference took place on 4 and 5 October in Cagliari, Italy. The theme was “Land use and water quality: which interconnections?”.
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