
The Board is the executive body of the Association and is responsible for day-to-day management and implementation of the General Assembly's decisions. For example, it manages relationships with key external stakeholders such as the European Commission, drafts the budget of the network and manages and allocates funds where needed. The Board supervises the Secretariat.

Currently, the Board consists of:

  • Marco Falconi (Italy) , IMPEL Chair
  • Florije Kqiku (Kosovo) , IMPEL Vice Chair for Administration and Finance
  • Rob Kramers (The Netherlands) , IMPEL Vice Chair for Projects
  • Martine Blondeel (Belgium) , Expert Team Leader, Expert Team - Cross Cutting Tools and Approaches
  • Monica Crisan (Romania), Expert Team Leader - Water and Land
  • Bojan Počkar (Slovenia) , Expert Team Leader - Waste and TFS
  • Marinus Jordaan (The Netherlands) , Expert Team Leader, Expert Team - Industry and Air
  • Alfred Dreijer (The Netherlands) , Expert Team Leader, Expert Team - Nature Protection

Marco Falconi is working as a Technologist at ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and is the IMPEL Water and Land expert team leader. He holds two masters – one in Environmental Science and a second one in Geology.
Marco has international experience with projects with the United Nations in the Balkan countries and in GEO6 assessment. He is one of the EIONET National Reference Center for Soil. In ISPRA he is the coordinator of the “Soil and Land” chapter of the annual Urban Areas Report. He is also the scientific coordinator of Remtech Europe, an annual conference on contaminated sites. He teaches Environmental Assessment at the Polytechnical University of Marche and at the University of Camerino.

Florije Kqiku, a seasoned professional with nearly two decades in Government of Kosovo and four years in the private sector, excels in environmental law and enforcement. Serving as the Head of Division for Inspection at the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure in Kosovo from 2014-2023, she led strategic initiatives, represented Kosovo internationally, and managed legislative reforms. Florije's expertise extends to project management, training, and coordination in regional and EU networks. Holding a Master's in Management and The Environment from the University of Lancaster and a background as an engineer of architecture from the University of Prishtina, she offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on environmental issues. Florije is a multilingual, dedicated leader, actively contributing within IMPEL since 2014, participating in various projects, including those focused on combating Environmental Crime. Notably, she has served as the National Coordinator for Kosovo within the framework of IMPEL and as the National Coordinator for EnviCrimeNet for decade.

Rob Kramers is an international expert and programme manager at the knowledge Centre for the Environment at Rijkswaterstaat in The Netherlands. His organisation is part of the ministry of Infrastructure and Water management. 

The primary focus of his team is capacity building and training on environmental themes. With 25 years of experience within IMPEL, Rob contributed on many of the projects. Doing the Right Things (Inspection planning) and the Knowledge and Innovation Centre are some of them. Rob was the programme manager for IMPEL’s Knowledge and Information Programme and is one of the ambassadors of the IMPEL Review Initiative programme.

Bojan Počkar is a senior environmental inspector at the Environmental and Energy Inspectorate in Slovenia. He has a degree in organisational sciences from the Univeristy of Kranj in Slovenia. He is head of the interdepartmental working group on TFS issues in Slovenia (members Inspectorate, Police, Financial Administration) and has been involved in IMPEL for over 10 years as National Coordinator, National Contact point in field of TFS, member of the Steering Committee for Waste&TFS expert team and active member of different IMPEL projects within Waste&TFS and Cross Cutting Expert Teams. 

Marinus Jordaan is working as an inspection expert in the behavioural intervention team of the regional environmental agency DCMR Rijnmond area in the Netherlands. He joined the IMPEL family with the Idepend decision tool project in 2012. He joined the IED Implementation project in 2015 and is Industry and Air deputy since 2021 and became expert team leader in April 2023. Marinus has international experience in soil investigation and remediation in Australia, training inspectors and permitters from several at the time ‘’new’’  EU members from 2000 on in Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria but also others like Russia. He holds the B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the van Hall Institute in Groningen and Master of Public administration from the Antwerp University.

Alfred Dreijer works in the licencing authority in the province of Drenthe in The Netherlands, licencing permits on hunting, nature protection and forestry. On behalf of the province of Drenthe he participates in a national working group on nature protection law and in the national working group on wolf management. His previous experience includes work as a real estate agent in the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries and also as a nature conservation officer in the Province of Friesland. He has been involved in IMPEL since 2017  and in 2021 was elected as Leader of the Nature Expert Team.

Martine Blondeel is a senior Environmental and Spatial Enforcement Policy Expert at the Department of Environment and Spatial Development of the Flemish Government in Belgium. Before this she was the head of the Chief Inspectorate of the Environmental Inspectorate Division for many years. In that role she supervised the coordinating work of several experts in different environmental fields like air, wastewater, waste, waste shipments, noise, odour, ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gasses, soil and groundwater, genetic modified organisms, energy management systems, environmental management systems and Reach Regulation. Before this she was a coordinator-expert in the field of air pollution and odour nuisance control. She has experience as an environmental inspector, as a policy specialist in the field of air and as a science educator. She studied at the University of Leuven and subsequently further degree studies at the universities of Antwerp and of Ghent. She has been involved in IMPEL since 2007 – mainly in the expert teams Industry & Air and Cross Cutting Issues – and in 2021 she was elected as leader of the Cross Cutting Issues Expert Team.

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